Back Story

Back Story

Dear friends,

For us this has been quite an eventful September, with many new experiences as I get around both the church and the area fellowship and meet new friends and re-connect with old ones.

All of us have a story, these days if you are a fan of the X-factor you will be used hearing the phrase, “back story.”

It seems obligatory for an aspiring Vocal Artist to have a back story that involves some kind of suffering that they are striving to overcome.  (Sometimes the back story is better than the singing!).

So the X-factor has become a bit like a competitive Songs of Praise with songs following the telling of people’s stories, and the only thing that is left out is that there are no direct references to God.

What makes Christians distinctive is that God is a central part of their back story, and that his acknowledged presence in our lives gives us hope, confidence and courage to face whatever lies ahead.

As we journey forward together God is the glue that unites us, inspires us and leads us.

With every blessing,


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