I’m New


I’m New. Will I Be Welcome?

Our visitors have told us that we are the most welcoming church in the area. We are intentionally inclusive and we welcome everyone. When you come to Burton Latimer Baptist Church, it does not matter what you wear. You will find people wearing everything from dressess or a suit and tie, to shorts and sandals. It does not matter what you do or don’t believe, or what your lifestyle is because you will be welcomed here and we will treat you with warmth, respect and dignity. We are committed Christians and we try to follow Jesus’ teaching, which effects every area of our lives, but we understand that some people are simply looking, searching for meaning and purpose, or just trying to make sense of life. If that describes you, you will find acceptance here.

We welcome people of all ages, from babies (who can make use of our crèche facilities if required), to great grandparents (who might find our hearing loop in the church of benefit).  There is no reserved seating, so you can sit wherever you like.

If you would like to chat with Mark, our Minister, please feel free to ring him on 01536 725434 or email him at revmarkwelch@icloud.com