

So Near…….

Walking past a car recently there was a text transfer sign on the rear which read, perhaps not verbatim, ‘ you are so close behind you might as well get in’. I chuckled quietly to myself because I have muttered similar words to myself when driving. Perhaps most drivers have[…]

It Just Fell To Pieces

A few years ago we had a new kitchen fitted and the sink unit came supplied complete with a dish drainer. This drainer was metal coated in white plastic and for quite a long time looked as good as the day we first had it. However, by and by, one[…]

Is That Bad Or Sad?

Passing by a group of chaps having a discussion, I overheard one say, “they reckon if you want to meet famous people, you should join Alcoholics Anonymous”. A whole range of thoughts went through my mind. For example, that could easily be a joke made up by some stand-up comedian. If that[…]

What Can You See?

I was recently looking at a cartoon which depicted two cleaning ladies together with heir mops and buckets. It seemed that they were cleaners for the BBC and were reading a staff notice board. One was making a comment on the salaries of the company executives to the effect that they[…]

Oh Crumbs!

I remember when I was giving a lecture once to a group of students in the mid-nineties. My subject on this particular course was the legal component and I was talking about the risk of making assumptions. As I am hard of hearing myself, I used the example of a[…]

How Dare You!

Amongst the younger population (as well as a few older ones who maybe like to be considered ‘with it’) that goes “How very dare you”. That said, phrases do get picked up and become more widely used. I have always heard it in the context that indicates that the speaker was perhaps not one[…]

There Is Many A Slip…….!

I have always had the ability to gather and store sayings and proverbs, a fair percentage of which have been handed down to me via my Mum. Whether this is really useful I am not sure, perhaps sometimes it is useful as they can be based on experience and aimed[…]

Unwanted Bedfellows

(No, this is definitely not risqué in any way – it is ‘U’ rated!) Watching Countdown recently, the guest in Dictionary Corner told this true story. Apparently a chap took his almost full-grown python to the vet who asked him to talk through his regime, at the end of which the[…]

The Big Fat Pigeon

If you are like us, you will often look out of your window and see at least one very large pigeon waddling around. We have a bird table, with feeders, which attracts many different birds to our garden. A little while ago we bought a new bird table as the old one[…]